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Adult Care Advisors

The Respite Care and Wellness Program

Frequently Askrd Questions

Q. What is Respite Care?

Respite Care is a form of short-term relief for the primary family caregiver. “Respite” is for the caregiver; “Care” is for the person with Alzheimer’s disease. Alzheimer’s disease is a progressive brain disease that destroys memory and thinking skills and eventually, the ability to carry out the simplest tasks of daily living. It is the most common cause of dementia. The continual demand for care can create emotional and physical stress for caregivers.

Q. What is The Respite Care and Wellness Program?

The Respite Care and Wellness Program has been designed to help family caregivers learn about and experience the importance of respite care services when the family member is providing primary care giving services for someone with Alzheimer’s disease or dementia. The program offers family caregivers information about available community respite care resources such as home health care, adult day care and residential respite, as well as a one-time financial scholarship to help offset the cost of respite care.

Funding for The Respite Care and Wellness Program is limited, so we do not guarantee that an applicant will receive a financial scholarship. However, we encourage you to apply. If funding is not available when you apply, your application will be kept on file until June 30” following your date of application. Applicants will be required to complete and submit a new application after June 30″ if they are still interested in being considered for the Program.

Q. Who is eligible for The Respite Care and Wellness Program?

To be accepted into The Respite Care and Wellness Program,

  • * the primary family caregiver and the person with Alzheimer’s disease must live together full-time in the State of New Jersey.
  • the primary family caregiver must be a United States Citizen.
  • the primary family caregiver must submit medical certification from a physician that the person receiving care has Alzheimer’s disease or a related dementia.
  • © the primary family caregiver must submit an application complete with all required information. This application will require a notarized financial attestation.

Q. How does the program work? What is the amount of financial assistance received through The Respite Care and Weliness Program?

The Respite Care and Wellness Program provides a one-time per family, financial scholarship of $1,000.00 to the primary family caregiver who is in need of respite care services.

When the completed application packet is received and it is deemed to be complete and all the eligibility criteria have been met it is then approved. If there is scholarship funding available, the scholarship is awarded by mail.

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